On the Performance of TCP Spoofing in Satellite Networks free download eBook. Spoofing techniques. In most applications of protocol spoofing, a communications device such as a modem or router simulates ("spoofs") the remote endpoint of a connection to a locally attached host, while using a more appropriate protocol to communicate with a compatible remote device that performs the equivalent spoof at the other end of the communications link. Satellite and Terrestrial Network Analysis The Performance of Satellite Spoofing Joseph Ishac in which the performance of spoofing can be seen across a large range of file transfers, One such PEP that is currently being used in satellite networks is TCP spoofing [PILC-ID, I-TCP, ASBD96]. Let's say our address is In Binary that becomes 00001010.00001010.00000001.01100011 The network portion is determined the ones in the subnet mask.So /23 means the network portion is the first 23 bits as is, with the remainder of the bits set to 0 ON THE PERFORMANCE OF TCP SPOOFING IN SATELLITE NETWORKS Joseph Ishac National Aeronautics and Space Administration Glenn Research Center Cleveland, Ohio 44135 Mark Allman BBN Technologies Cleveland, Ohio 44135 ABSTRACT h7 this papet, we analyze the performance of TCP in a network that consists of both satellite and terrestrial com-ponents. original recommendations toward TCP deployment over satellite links. Keywords: TCP performances, satellite Internet access, Performance Enhancing Proxy, PEP 1. Introduction, Motivations, and Objectives Seeing that a lot of geographic areas are still uncovered terrestrial infrastructure networks and due to the fact Request PDF | Performance Evaluation of TCP Splitting Over Satellite | In this chapter we evaluate the performance of using TCP spoofing/splitting over satellite via a model-based study and a * Th e research is supported Nokia Research Center. ACK Delay Control for Improving TCP Throughput over Satellite Links * Jing Wu 1 2 1 1Yu Shi Peng Zhang Shiduan Cheng Jian Ma 2 1 National Key Lab oratory of Switching Technology and Telecommunication Networks P.O.Box 206, Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, P.R.China On the performance of TCP spoofing in satellite networks. Spoofing involves the transparent splitting of a TCP connection between the source and destination some entity within the network path. In order to analyze the impact of spoofing, we constructed a simulation suite based around the network simulator ns-2. tions into the performance of TCP spoofing. While the performance of such a mechanism is an important point when deciding whether or not to use a spoofer, it is not the only consideration. We encourage network operators to read [RFC3135] to gain a better understanding of some of the non-performance based considerations involved in de- TCP Enhancements for Satellite Networks, Using TCP Spoofing 1. TCP Enhancement for Satellite Networks, Using TCP Spoofing as the mitigating strategy Student Numbers: John Philip (09063609) Dhanunjay (10006419) Femi Oyewole (09063048) Under The Guidance Of Professor: Dr Ifiok Otung. The Use of a Proxy on Board the Satellite to Improve TCP Performance J. Stepanek, A. Razdan, A. Nandan, M. Gerla M. Luglio Computer Science Department, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica, University of California Los Angeles Università di Roma Tor Vergata Boelter Hall, Los Angeles CA, 90095 USA Via del Politecnico 1, 00133 Rome, Italy Abstract High errors and high delays create well Finally, the simulation experiments show that the new protocol can not only significantly enhance throughput performance, but also reduce sharply bandwidth used in the reverse path as compared with traditional TCP protocols and those protocols, which are recently proposed for satellite IP networks. There exists considerable interest in ways to improve TCP performance over satellite networks, where both long propaga-tion delay and packet losses in satellite channel impact TCP throughput negatively. One method is to use a performance en-hancing proxy at the satellite channel access nodes that divides Abstract: In this paper, we analyze the performance of TCP in a network that consists of both satellite and terrestrial components. One method, proposed outside research, to improve the performance of data transfers over satellites is to use a performance enhancing proxy often dubbed "spoofing". with respect to terrestrial networks and they are often used both as access and as backbone networks. So, the development of tools to allow the efficient utilisation of TCP/IP - based applicati ons over satellite networks and heterogeneous networks, which inv olve satellite In this paper, we analyze the performance of TCP in a network that consists of both satellite and terrestrial com- ponents. One method, proposed outside (09/2009) Transmission control protocol (TCP) over satellite networks. S Series. Fixed-satellite service Foreword. The role of the Radiocommunication Sector is to ensure the rational, equitable, efficient and economical use of the radio-frequency spectrum all radiocommunication services, including satellite services, and carry out studies without limit of frequency range on the basis of TCP is always under research for the checking the performance of the network under satellite networks the work is done performance analysis is done for " TCP Spoofing " using ns-2. Performance enhancements of transmission control protocol over satellite networks (Question ITU-R 263-1/4) (2005-2010) Scope Most of the current IP transmissions use transmission control protocol (TCP) as transport protocol. However the TCP protocol presents some shortcomings when used in satellite networks. Therefore various techniques, TCP/IP Over Satellite Yi Zhang G27525863 1. Introduction Satellite communications have numerous advantages over terrestrial data connections including mobility, network topology, and the anywhere and everywhere benefit of global coverage. These advantages come at the price of increased data transit times and low security level.
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